Guncheva for 2020: This is the year of our discontent and reconciliation

Елена Гунчева. Снимка: Фейсбук профил
Елена Гунчева. Снимка: Фейсбук профил

The year of our discontent, the year of our reconciliation.

It was an interesting year 2020. We will certainly remember it, but I don’t think it will be good. Some will point to the event of the year, the horror and panic that instilled in us, the masks and the obligatory sitting in the houses. Others will report as the event of the year large-scale protests to overthrow not only the government but also the chief prosecutor, dissatisfied with the ongoing mutren policy, with „Mafia representatives, out!“ Of President Radev and thousands of protesters.

This is the year in which they began to publicly kill freedom and democracy under the false mask of concern for our lives and health, a year in which politicians crossed all boundaries of normal and humane, a year in which greed and maniacal desire to control people prevailed. over common sense. A year in which some trembled, panicked and wrapped in masks and gloves away from their loved ones, others stood at a distance from strangers and without masks shouted that they no longer wanted to live in the power of the mutts.

A year in which we saw that healthcare was completely liquidated and that, along with worthy doctors, there were mostly traders in life and health. We have seen that common sense has finally flown from the minds of politicians, and their foolish measures have ruined not only people’s health but also their livelihoods. Restaurants were closed, but not sporting events and ice rinks. They wandered from one extreme to the other, until they finally convinced thinking people that they could not control and were harmful.

Hope came along with despair. The problem of the intelligentsia and reasonable people has always been inertia and the fear of violence. The actions of the government and the Attorney General, who have the audacity to search the Presidency and arrest presidential advisers, as it turned out – illegally, were the incentive for thousands of people to go to the squares for more than four months and say:

Mafia representatives, get out!

Gradually, people realized that peaceful protests would not bring down criminals. In these days of discontent and hope, I saw thousands of young people determined to change things. I saw thousands of adults who had nothing to lose and said „Enough!“ To the criminal administration. Our people are learning. This time, from the beginning, he saw some of the fake „leaders“ that the status quo tried to try on the protesters. But the protests continued despite them. And people began to realize. To see the patterns behind the shiny words. And the essence behind the political PR of the new saviors.

A year in which our children became the biggest victims of the system and instead of playing in parks and gardens, they were locked up alone in their homes, fearing for their lives and the lives and health of their loved ones. A lost year for education and for our children. Year of sociopathy and psychopathy. Social distance has become a fear of others. The normal instinct for self-preservation has become a momentary panic that kills more successfully than the virus.

A year in which Evil showed its true face. A year in which we saw that if we want – we can. A year of awareness of our power. And readiness to continue. Until complete victory.

Let’s send the old 2020 peacefully. And to prepare for the war that lies ahead. Because freedom is always on top of the spear!

Source: Elena Guncheva

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