Korneliya Ninova: Minister Stoyanov lies and manipulates

Корнелия Нинова
Корнелия Нинова. Снимка: БСП

Former Minister of Economy and Industry Korneliya Ninova responded to the claims of Caretaker Minister Nikola Stoyanov, who stated that all appointments in the Ministry of Economy during the time of the previous cabinet were without competition.

Minister Stoyanov lies and manipulates,„, emphasized Ninova, the press center of the BSP reported.

„The administration of the Ministry of Economy and Industry has not fired 72 people 72 people for the last 7 months. 24 were retired due to reaching retirement age. Two were dismissed due to gross violations, including by convening a disciplinary council. Someone whom I appointed was fired immediately after I received signals from various institutions about a conflict of interest,“ Ninova pointed out. According to her, there are 16 companies in the State Consolidation Company.

Of these, the boards of directors have been changed in three, not 14, in another two only the managers and two liquidators have been changed, one due to death. All new board members are appointed temporarily pending a competition. The contests were launched. Some have ended, others should continue now. If the SCC board is now made up of 4 people, but it should be made up of five by law and according to Minister Stoyanov, why is he increasing it to 7? To arrange people on salaries or to have a new majority to start a purge on the subsidiaries? That will become clear soon. Keep an eye on his next moves,”, Ninova urged. She stated:

„My policy would be to reduce the number of board members so they don’t become feeders. Apparently it’s the other way around now. We were perhaps the only ministry in which I prohibited my political cabinet from receiving additional material incentives and distributed this amount to working employees. I wonder if this practice has now changed as well.

As for the Arms Commission: If we had convened it in the last days of an outgoing government, the question would have been: How dare they allow exports for 1 billion euros on the last day. Now the question is: Why didn’t they export weapons for 1 billion euros at the last moment. Why are you wearing a hat, why are you without a hat? Politics is above all responsibility. Let the caretaker goevrnment bear its own now.”

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