What are the chances of forming a regular government?

Парламент. Снимка: НС
Парламент. Снимка: НС

What are the chances of a government with Prime Minister Prof. Nikolay Gabrovski? This important topic was commented on by the political psychologist Prof. Antoineta Hristova, as well as the political scientist Assoc. Daniel Smilov. Hristova predicts that the draft composition of the cabinet will be aimed more at finding a consensus.

She emphasized that the political situation at the moment brings a lot of tension and opposition. And precisely for this reason there are two alternatives. One is to rule longer or shorter, and the other is to go for new early parliamentary elections.

Hristova also believes that all political forces currently have a problem with their reputation. And precisely for this reason, the image that can make compromises and even against its own interest, but for the benefit of the whole society and to solve the problems of the state, will be profitable.

Daniel Smilov is of the opinion that the third term has the best chance of forming a regular cabinet. Because in the parliament there was an opportunity for a GERB-DPS-Bulgarian Rise coalition, with the support of the BSP. Therefore, he is of the opinion that this is the most likely scenario. Therefore, a similar format seemed realistic, but now it depended on GERB in what direction they would take.

The difficult partner in such a coalition would be BSP. They had to get something to attract them and it could be a specific ministry, for example.

The other option was for GERB to be categorical that they will not govern together with DPS and BSP, but want to be in power, but with „We continue the change“ and „Democratic Bulgaria“. This could have happened as early as the second mandate of „We continue the change“. But there was no political logic in such a configuration, and therefore this possibility was rather only theoretical.

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