achieved 4 million reads in just a month: proof of quality and trust of readers

It is with great pleasure and pride that the team informs you that in July the site achieved an impressive 4 million reads.

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Информационен сайт Искра.бг

It is with great pleasure and pride that the team informs you that in July the site achieved an impressive 4 million reads. This significant achievement is a clear sign of the high trust of our readers and our efforts to provide objective news.

The team of is constantly working to improve the quality of the materials we publish. Our goal has always been to be a reliable source of information for our readers by providing objective, accurate and timely information.

“We thank our readers for the trust they place in us. This achievement is the result of our joint efforts and our quest for professionalism”, said the team.

Readers’ trust is the most valuable asset for any news site. The readership achieved in the past month is proof that manages to provide news that is important and interesting for the audience. Our readers know they can count on us! does not stop there. Our team is committed to continuously developing and improving the site to meet the growing expectations of our readers. Thank you to everyone who supports us and continues to read us. Together we will continue to strive for even greater success and to be the leading news source in Bulgaria!

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