Publishers insist: 9% VAT on books to stay permanent

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The 9% VAT on books should remain constant – this is what the publishers insist on. They sent a letter to Minister of Culture Boil Banov, sharing measures to support the sector.

The representatives of the book industry want to lower the supply of book printing services at a lower rate, as well as to introduce mechanisms for institutional financing of library funds, which could be achieved through the adoption of the Standard for Libraries. Another measure is the development of a mechanism for special financial support of bookstores in small settlements.

The sale of books has dropped by between 50 and 70 percent since the beginning of the state of emergency in Bulgaria, according to a survey conducted by the branch organization Bulgarian Book Association among book publishers and booksellers. The inquiry was made at the end of May and its purpose was to identify and specify the damage to the industry during the pandemic.

Approximately 30 percent of respondents do not report an increase in online sales between March and May. For those with an increase, it is far from large enough to cover the overall decline. More than 40% of respondents identify the key to the decline – the closure of bookstores and printing houses, which ceased operations for more than a month. And 60% added that they had overdue payments with the respective counterparties.

The survey covered 83 respondents. Of these, 80.5 percent were publishers, 15.9% were publishers and booksellers and 3.7% were booksellers. They emphasize the postponement of planned new titles and reprints among more than 60% of publishers. They amount to between 20% and 30% of the total number of books planned for publication during the year. This has also had an impact on the sector’s revenue and long-term sustainability.

More than half of the respondents said that they had to lay off employees employed in their companies. In addition, the specifics of book publishing involves working with professionals from the liberal professions – translators, editors, proofreaders, designers, illustrators, artists, reviewers. The suspension of the publishing process has had a direct impact on their employment.

The Bulgarian Book Association supports the proposals of the European Federation of Book Publishers and the Federation of European and International Booksellers, which were sent to the European Ministers of Culture and EU Commissioner Maria Gabriel – to introduce vouchers with which readers can buy books in bookstores, as well as programs for financing the enrichment of the book funds of public institutions.

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