The call of the Capital Directorate for Interior Affairs: Be tolerant!

Photo: SDVR

The director of the Capital Directorate for Interior Affairs Senior Commissioner Georgi Hadzhiev, said that today great difficulties are expected in the movement in the capital. He appealed to the residents of the city – to remain calm and be tolerant.

Hadzhiev pointed out that good organization has been made so that people can get to their jobs. He and his colleagues are doing everything possible to respect the rights of both the protesters and other citizens.

The director of the Capital Directorate for Interior Affairs expressed concern that there would probably be a physical altercation during the events. According to him, law enforcement officers are doing everything possible to prevent such clashes:

It is important for us to be tolerant. We never start from a position of strength.

He stressed that his colleagues heard ugly insults addressed to them, but he relied on their self-control. Their strategy is to have a dialogue with the citizens. His call to the people is to be tolerant in order to keep the peace.

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