Taner Kadir Turkoglu, a member of the „There is Such a People“ in the 45th, 46th and 47th National Assemblies, has several names by which he introduces himself.
The party’s elected representative can also be seen as Taner Erdinch Durmush and Tyanko Kalinov Naskov.
The man from Dzhebel was the regional chairman of “Bulgarian New Democracy” party in Kardzhali, as well as a candidate for municipal councilor from the “Right Union” coalition.
In 2015, the MRF‘s candidacy for mayor of Kardzhali in the person of Hassan Azis was supported by Turkoglu. At the same time, he emphasized that the „Bulgarian New Democracy“ he supported did not rely on the old political ideologues, which had to fulfill the wording of the „democracy“ thesis itself.
With these views on a democratic society and with his three names, the politician quite legally in several companies, describing himself as an „entrepreneur“. Some of them are no longer active, while others are still active.
The name Taner Kadir Turkoglu is linked to the companies MARTY YEM Ltd., GOOK BORU Ltd. and KEIBALBORU Ltd.
The name Taner Erdinch Durmush is linked to EGE – 2013 Ltd.
The name Tyanko Kalinov Naskov is connected with four companies – EUROTRANS Ltd., DUGU TRANS Ltd., BENSU TRANS Ltd. and AGROTEK-2007 Ltd.
Iskra. bg tried to contact Mr. Taner Turkoglu to talk in person, but the phone number he gave us was „wrong or incomplete„. We also did not receive a reply to the email we sent asking for a new contact to get in touch.
There are several questions that arise in this case. Why are so many identities necessary for a businessman and does this practice correspond with the idea of decency? How could the people trust a man who presents himself with three different names? Don’t they seem like convenient screens to hide behind when needed?
As we have already mentioned, years ago Taner Erdinch Durmush supported the MRF candidate for mayor, and is currently a representative of party. Would it be reasonable then to conclude that „There is Such a People“ serves the interests of the MRF, as it is widely claimed on the Internet? Is the connection between the two political formations real and is it a matter of time to prove the symbiosis between them?