Borislav Sandov: I have mixed feelings about the new commissioners in ecology

He wrote on Facebook that he had some concerns about the climate and environment commissioners, who he said had more conservative views

Борислав Сандов
Борислав Сандов. Снимка: Facebook

Former Minister of Environment and Water Borislav Sandov said he had mixed feelings about the commissioners in charge on green transformation, ecology and the Green Deal.

He wrote on Facebook that he had some concerns about the climate and environment commissioners, who he said had more conservative views. At the same time, he is optimistic and expects meaningful actions from the commissioners for agriculture and energy. We’d like to publish his full comments without editorial interference:

“Ursula von der Leyen presented her proposal for the structure and composition of the new European Commission yesterday. For now, it’s just a proposal as it needs to be approved by the European Parliament after hearings, but I expect it to remain as presented. I’m writing this post to share a few important aspects that caught my attention.

Regarding balances, the previously announced goals have not been met. Gender equality has not been achieved (11:16), mainly due to the reluctance of most member states to propose more than one candidate. In response, Von der Leyen compensated with twice as many female vice-presidents of the Commission, including a High Representative.

There is also not a good balance in terms of political families, but again this is mainly due to member state nominations. Liberals and Greens have been disadvantaged at the expense of Christian Democrats and Social Democrats.

Regarding the geographical and historical characteristics of the EU, I would say a good balance has been achieved. Finland, Estonia, and Romania from the east, along with France, Spain, and Italy from the west and the older member states, hold positions as vice-presidents of the Commission. Among the larger countries, only Poland and Sweden are missing, but they receive important portfolios in the Commission, specifically in budget and environment. For smaller but economically strong countries like Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, and Lithuania, there are also significant portfolios.

A few things that make an impression and are important for us as a country: Slovenia is taking over enlargement, which presents an opportunity for Albania and Montenegro to advance, and possibly even expand the EU by the end of this Commission’s mandate. Austria is responsible for internal security, which could be bad news for us regarding our full acceptance into Schengen. Luxembourg is taking on agriculture, which is definitely a surprise. Given the expertise of this commissioner and the lack of strong agricultural lobbies at the national level, this is more likely good news, as the Common Agricultural Policy needs reform.

Among the countries that have been assigned less significant portfolios or those with weaker influence on practical matters, I would highlight Hungary, Croatia, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, and Malta.

Although the portfolio for innovations, research, and the startup environment is important and has a significant budget, the role of the European Commissioner with such a portfolio is not as i is not so significant. An important aspect will be the preparation for the next Horizon program (2028-2034), but the crucial part regarding its final version and adoption will occur at the end of this College of the European Commission’s mandate.

By then, it is possible that Ekaterina Zaharieva may no longer hold this position, either due to her returning to Bulgaria (as happened with Maria Gabriel, who held the same portfolio) or due to the insistence of a regular and stable government for a different commissioner from Bulgaria. Here, I would like to wink at our recent partners from „We Continue the Change“, MRF, and “Yes, Bulgaria,” as the nomination of Yuliyan Popov was not the right decision, as has been proven.

Finally, a few words about the responsible commissioners concerning the green transformation, ecology, and the Green Deal. I have mixed expectations here. I anticipate meaningful actions from Teresa Ribera as the Vice-President of the Commission with the portfolio „Clean, Fair, and Competitive Transition.“ She is expected to oversee the implementation of the Green Deal in its various aspects. Teresa Ribera is a progressive politician from Spain, and I expect her to be active and effective in this position.

I also expect meaningful actions from the commissioners for agriculture (Luxembourg) and energy (Denmark). However, I have concerns about the climate (Netherlands) and environment (Sweden) commissioners, primarily due to their political views, which are quite conservative. Still, overall, I am rather optimistic about this area, as well as about the structure and composition of the European Commission, if it is approved in this form.“

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6 месеци по-рано

Брей, айде сега, искаш и ти да си на тяхно място,ама…..


[…] Borislav Sandov: I have mixed feelings about the new commissioners in ecology […]

6 месеци по-рано

They once again show how illiterate and harmful they are to the country. They don’t understand anything about ecology, only about stealing money from the state for some insane activities. If it were up to them, they would close the whole country and exterminate the people as well, so as not to disturb the birds and the bees.