Bread producers facing bankruptcy? The industry calls on the state to intervene

Photo: Pixabay

The increase in the price of electricity ruined the business, commented the world champion in pizza making Anatoli Kolev. According to him, if the state does not intervene, the situation will escalate.

A few years ago, Kolev opened a workshop for making handmade bread with live yeast in Varna. His product quickly found supporters, and his business grew well until a few months ago. The entrepreneur says that the increase in electricity is triple compared to June 2021.

„Then we start July, August, September, October we have bills over 330-340%, which is too much. We are used to paying bills.“

As a result, Kolev had to close his business. He admits that because of the big bills, he worked without a profit for a month and finally decided to stop his activity before large debts started to accumulate. He paid off with everyone and ended up losing out on his uncompensated initial investment.

According to Kolev, if the state does not take adequate measures, many more businesses will close, no matter how powerful and understanding their owners are.

„At some point, when you start rummaging in your pocket to work, you realize that it’s not very rational for a long time.“, he added, commenting on criticisms of why the private sector should be helped – otherwise many people will lose their jobs.

Every second person works in a private company. This means that if these businesses do not stabilize, we will fill the stock exchanges with people who are looking for work and wondering how to pay their bills.“

Meanwhile, the champion has ideas for a new business related to Italian cuisine and he is calculating whether there is any chance of success at current electricity prices. According to him, at the moment the pricing is formed from the raw material, from the electricity and the rent. However, this meant increasing the final price to the point of impossibility.

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