“All illegal migrants should be thrown out of our country. All legal ones who have committed crimes should also leave because these are obviously not people who can live adequately in our society.”
This is what Plamen Dimitrov of the Bulgarian National Union said during a protest against migrant crime in Sofia. He recalled that last week in Sofia underage Bulgarian citizens were beaten by more than 30 Arabs, and the authorities qualified the events as a domestic incident and detained only two people.
“This is an attack in which there was attempted murder. These people should be held accountable for their actions and extradited to the countries they came from after serving their sentences. We want the immediate extradition of absolutely all illegal migrants, and until the time comes they should stay locked up in accommodation centres. Anyone who has crossed the border illegally is a criminal.”
He added that Bulgarian citizens will not allow Sofia or any other Bulgarian city to become a multicultural ghetto where people are harassed, crushed, killed and raped.
“If other European countries have decided to commit suicide in this way and their peoples are willing to tolerate these atrocities, we are not. We will defend the lives of our loved ones, our families!”
Earlier today, the Council of Ministers circulated an official position paper claiming that the crisis of “migrant criminals” in our country is fake news spread by certain political parties in view of the upcoming European Parliament elections.