From today the bulgarian parliament is on Christmas vacation. It actually starts on Monday (December 22nd), but today was the last working day for MPs. Their vacation will last until January 10, and their first working day will be on the 13th of the same month.
The next plenary session will start at 09:00 on January 13, 2021. The 10th session of the 44th National Assembly ended today with the end of the session. The next session will be the last for the mandate of this parliament.
Deputy Speaker Christian Vigenin rang the last bell for this year. He wished happy Christmas and New Year to parliamentarians. And he called for empathy with the people and families affected this year.
We recall that today Parliament decided at first reading to have an investigating prosecutor to investigate the chief prosecutor. 100 MPs voted in favor, 46 were against (mainly from the BSP) and 10 abstained. The new figure must have the status of an acting prosecutor with full powers under Bulgarian law, similar to European delegated prosecutors. It is envisaged that this prosecutor will have a 7-year term, be nominated by at least six members of the Prosecutorial College of the Supreme Judicial Council and be elected by the Plenum of the SJC by a simple majority.
Today, the National Assembly also approved Bulgaria’s participation in the preliminary agreements concluded by the European Commission and the manufacturers of medicinal products CureVac AG and Moderna Switzerland GmbH for the purchase of vaccines in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic. The decision was taken by 91 votes to 0, with 1 abstention.