Residents of the two Burgas neighborhoods „Lozovo“ and „Dolno Ezerovo“ are preparing a new protest because of the delay in the work on the project to replace the water supply network and the excavated streets they have to walk on every day. They are demanding the speedy restoration of the road surface and sidewalks after the repairs, as well as the construction of a new road to the neighborhoods.
The new protest will be held on September 16 at 11:00 a.m. on the pedestrian walkway at the Traffic Roundabout, the organizers announced on Facebook. It is expected that even more people will join it, who declare their readiness to continue with the protest actions in the coming weeks, until the problem is solved.
The participants in it will also demand that an inspection be carried out on the implementation of the Integrated Water Project for the Burgas Region, financed by OP „Environment 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Union through the Cohesion Fund, regarding the quality of the work and the materials used during the implementation.
According to Petar Dimitrov from the „Dolno Ezerovo“ quarter, the dissatisfaction of the local people is directed not only at the waterworks, but also at the Municipality of Burgas. Here is what he said to Iskra.bg:
„The residents of the two neighborhoods feel discriminated against, because for many years the Municipality of Burgas has not allocated sufficient funds for the repair and improvement of the streets in them at the expense of the central part of the city and the larger neighborhoods. Instead of emphasizing infrastructure and making good roads, we are wallowing in misery.“
According to him, the Mayor of Burgas, Dimitar Nikolov, made a mistake by coming to the previous protest on September 2, as the event should not have been politicized, and he himself was not wanted there.
“He came with his publicist who took some pictures of him, but the truth is he had no business being there as he is not a party to this issue. We did not want politicians to be present there to ride the protest. So we had to tell him some things to his face and ask him why he lied to us.“
Petar Dimitrov recalled that three years ago they were misled by the Municipality of Burgas. At that time, the SNC „Sdrujenie Dolno Ezerovo“ demanded that an acceleration lane be built in the direction of Burgas and that the incoming lane be widened in the direction of the neighborhood. The Municipality stated that a project had been launched, but three years later it has not been implemented, and the „Dolno Ezerovo“ district is still in a deplorable state and no funds are allocated for it.
At the previous protest, Dimitrov confronted Dimitar Nikolov, telling him that the Municipality of Burgas was corrupt. Today, he clarified that he stands by his words and apologizes only to those employees who really do their job conscientiously, despite the administration.