Радостин Бързанов-Радо Слънцето и Николай Димитров

Is Radostin Barzanov connected to Nikolay Dimitrov’s business and actions?

The editors of Iskra.bg received information related to the businessman Nikolay Dimitrov, concessionaire of the beach "Kraymorie" and owner of other businesses. His name...
Омар Аднан

Omar Adnan’s sentence for the deaths of the two policemen in Burgas is clear

Today, the court in Burgas officially announced the sentence of Omar Adnan – the defendant responsible for the deaths of police officers Yordan Iliev...
Омар Аднан

Prosecution firm in court: Omar Adnan’s actions are a blow to statehood! Insolent and...

The key hearing in the case of the death of the two policemen in Burgas on 25 August 2022 is currently underway at the...

Attention! Every Bulgarian throws away 90 kilograms of food per year! Is a crisis...

If today we comment on the causes of rising food prices in stores, which is a result of many different factors, we must acknowledge...
Майка, дете, майчинство

Considering a rise for maternity and an earlier return to work?

For the next budget, one of the priorities will be to increase the funds for the second year of maternity care, as well as...
ПП "Възраждане"

„Vazrazhdane“ with a new protest in front of the National Assembly: Is there an...

The "Vazrazhdane" party has once again staged a protest, this time in front of the National Assembly building. The demonstration is directed against the...
Бебе, родено с дълг

Born with debt: The baby – a debtor from the first breath

"We are born with our first cry, our first tear... and our first debt. Every Bulgarian starts life with over 7,000 euros in debt,...
Продължаваме промяната

“We Continue the Change – Democratic Bulgaria” submitted a signal to the Anti-Corruption Commission...

Today MPs from the parliamentary group of “We Continue the Change - Democratic Bulgaria” officially submitted a signal to the Anti-Corruption and Conflict of...
Мартин Димитров

DB: The government should request a convergent report on the Eurozone

"It is time for political action by the government - an extraordinary convergent report to be requested and Bulgaria to guarantee its entry into...
"Продължаваме промяната"

“We continue the change” with a position on the war in Ukraine: there must...

“We Continue the Change” issued a position on the third anniversary of the beginning of the war in Ukraine. They are adamant that there...
Лена Бориславова

An indictment against Lena Borislavova for using false documents

A prosecutor from the Sofia District Prosecutor's Office filed an indictment against Lena Borislavova for knowingly using false private documents. The charge is a...
Асен Василев

Asen Vassilev criticizes the 2025 Budget and proposes a salary increase in the Ministry...

"We Continue the Change - Democratic Bulgaria" will not support the draft budget of the Zhelyazkov cabinet, which was made with wrong calculations, MP...
Даниел Митов

The Interior Ministry takes a strong position against the proposed changes to the Ministry...

Interior Minister Daniel Mitov has sent a statement to Chairman of the Committee on Internal Security and Public Order of the 51st National Assembly,...
„Демократична България“

“Democratic Bulgaria”: The Cabinet continues to lack a management and legislative program

“Despite the commitment in the governance agreement to have a legislative and governance programme within 30 days after the cabinet vote - there is...
Костадин Костадинов

Scandal at BNB? “Revival” claims that the IMF is covering up financial fraud

The parliamentary group of The Revival Party announced that it had received information from partners in Brussels about a secret visit of representatives of the...

BNB condemns the action of „Vazrazhdane“: The law does not allow such events

The Bulgarian National Bank (BNB) issued an official statement regarding the action of the "Vazrazhdane" party, which took place this morning at the institution's...
Д-р Костадин Петков

Alert to Iskra.bg: Dr. Petkov vs. Judge Valkova – accusations of fraud and battle...

The editorial office of Iskra.bg received a report from Dr. Kostadin Petkov, who makes serious accusations against his former wife, Judge Denitsa Valkova, a...
Илиян Василев

Analyst: Today, TISP has been reduced to its core – the folk music fans!

Today, "There is Such a People" (TISP) has been reduced to its hard core - the folk music fans. This was written by analyst...

The ACF alerts the European institutions over the suspicious order of „Bulgartransgaz“ for „Chiren“

The Anti-Corruption Fund (ACF) alerted two European institutions about a suspicious public procurement of "Bulgartransgaz" for the "Chiren" gas storage, published at the end...
Старши полицай Димитър Николов

Wave of support to a Burgas police officer who shared about disturbing practices in...

A wave of support on social networks for senior police officer Dimitar Nikolov from the Specialized Police Forces Sector (SPS) of the Security Police...

Свобода за студентите, затвор за Борисов!

Възрожденци разпънаха транспаранта в залата на парламента по повод сблъсъците по време на протеста срещу влизането ни в еврозоната и приемането на еврото. Надписът на...

Сахел: Регионът с най-много смъртни случаи, причинени от терористични актове

Африканският регион Сахел е „епицентърът на световния тероризъм“ и за първи път в него са регистрирани „над половината от всички смъртни случаи, свързани с...


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