4,700 are unemployed who have registered with the Labor Offices within one day.
This was announced by Social Minister Denitsa Sacheva during a briefing at the Council of Ministers (CU). She also added that 59 people had applied under the 60/40 scheme.
Their number is expected to increase today. Sacheva expressed hope that payments to the government’s employment program will begin next week.
The period for receiving pensions is also being extended. Elderly people will also be able to collect after Easter. The action can also be done by relatives so that retirees do not have to leave.
We from Iskra.bg remind that the government wants to extend the state of emergency by one month – until 13 May.
Bulgaria is struggling with all possible efforts to curb the spread of infection with COVID-19, and the dimensions of the crisis cannot yet be assessed and predicted.
Translation: Diana Todorova