Directorate for National Construction Control: Part of the quay wall in Rosenets was built without construction documents

"Rosenets" Park
"Rosenets" Park. Photo: Archive

Employees of the Directorate for National Construction Control have found that the extension of the quay wall in Rosenets Forest Park was built without the necessary construction documents after an inspection of documents and on site by order of Regional Minister Grozdan Karadzhov.

The state construction control has not found any construction documents in the municipality of Burgas, nor requests for a building permit for reconstruction and extension of the hydrotechnical facility „Quay Wall“, built in the Black Sea.

With the amendment of the cadastral map in 2020, the area of ​​the quay wall has been increased from 1029 square meters to 5838 square meters according to the provided cadastral sketches. According to them, the site is a land property. The Office of Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre in Burgas has issued a sketch of the property intended for the port, with registered owner „Hermes Solar: Ltd.“, according to a notarial deed of 2020. It states that the property consists of two main parts – North and West, built in two stages in the Black Sea in the 70s and 80s of the twentieth century.

During the on-site inspection by the Directorate for National Construction Control, it was established that the site „Quay Wall“ is a reinforced concrete retaining wall – breakwater and reinforced concrete quay with „G“ -shaped shape. The approximate length of the facility is 280 meters and consists of a northern part with an approximate length of 175 meters and a western part with an approximate length of 105 meters.

An on-site inspection shows that about 50 meters from the northern, long part of the quay wall is an old building. The concrete has collapsed and in some places there is bare, heavily corroded reinforcement. A new concrete floor has been laid on it. The new construction is the whole short part and about 125 meters from the long part of the quay wall. This is confirmed by cadastral sketches and satellite images. The necessary construction documents, including a building permit, have not been found for the new construction.

Following the inspection, the Directorate for National Construction Control will commission external experts to carry out a detailed survey covering the underwater base of the Quay Wall property. Based on its results, the DNC will take further legal action on the case.

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