Emil Peychev on the case of Ropotamo: Municipality of Primorsko has cleaned the river bed beautifully!

Река Ропотамо, Община Приморско
Снимка: Искра.бг

The member of the public, Emil Peychev, two months ago sought assistance from the Municipality of Primorsko to take measures regarding the cleaning of the bed of the Ropotamo River. The reason for his insistence then was to prevent future floods in the village of Novo Panicharevo.

Today this is already a fact and the river bed has been cleaned! The credit for its implementation goes to the Municipality of Primorsko, which took the case to heart.
With this, another battle of Emil Peychev, for the good of the people, achieved success. This shows how institutions and citizens can work hand in hand for the benefit of society. This is the example where political biases were left behind and everyone united around a common cause – Bulgaria. This showed that when the institutions listen to the citizens, things happen for the benefit of the people.

Because of this wonderful occasion – the cleaning of the bed of the Ropotamo river, we asked Emil Peychev for a comment. He shared his impressions with Iskra.bg:

“I am personally puzzled by what I saw. Passing through the village of Novo Panicharevo, it made a very good impression on me that the river bed has been cleaned along its entire course. I was amazed by what I saw, that the Municipality of Primorsko did a wonderful job, for which I congratulate them. The cleaning was done about a month ago and it was done in the best possible way.”

After complaints were submitted to Peychev by local citizens, he sent a signal to the District Administration-Burgas about the uncleaned river bed. Local residents told him that neglected maintenance had led to deforestation. People pointed out that in some places high-stemmed vegetation leads to a decrease in the conductivity of the water current. They have expressed their fears that with more frequent heavy rains and snowmelt at the end of winter, there is a possible sharp increase in the river flow, which brings with it a real risk and threat of floods with unpredictable consequences for the entire settlement.

“I was contacted by the local residents of the village of Novo Panicharevo, who were very worried about the floods in Karlovsko so that the same situation would not happen to them. I raised this issue through the District Administration-Burgas and the Basin Directorate. The original source was the people who resented and were extremely worried whether the incoming waters would not be fatal for them, as has happened over the years”, Peychev pointed out.

After his report to the District Administration, they reacted quickly, during which experts from the Basin Directorate carried out a thorough inspection. With her, they sent an order to the Municipality of Primorsko to clean the river bed. The public urged:

“All citizens and all people are obliged to submit the necessary signals for various cases to be resolved. It is not possible to rely only on the managements of the municipalities, since they do not have the ability to bypass all problems. Therefore, it is important that people point them out and that the relevant institutions solve them.

We remind you that in 2014 the flood in the villages of Novo Panicharevo led not only to enormous material damage, but also to the loss of human life.

Cleaning the riverbeds is extremely important, because during heavy rains or when snow melts, a huge amount of water comes. Then the level of the water basins rises, and if the troughs are not cleaned, the incoming water cannot drain and leaves its trough. The consequences are clear – flooded houses, material damage for thousands of leva and lost lives. The untimely actions of the responsible institutions turns into a disaster.

From Iskra.bg, we thank the Municipality of Primorsko for taking a reasonable approach and the case was resolved before fatal accidents occurred.

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