Galab Donev: There will be an increase in the minimum wage

Гълъб Спасов Донев
Снимка: Президентство

There will be an increase in the minimum wage, said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Affairs Galab Donev. He pointed out that estimates are being prepared for the various options for this. The Minister of Social Affairs clarified that the minimum wage will increase, but not by BGN 750. According to him, 14% is the average increase in the minimum income in our country since the beginning of the year, and the growth of inflation is a little over 2%. Donev recalled that pensions have increased and this increase exceeds inflation. Here is what the Deputy Prime Minister commented:

“Prices from July to the end of the year are as set by the EWRC. From January, a new determination of the prices for electricity for the household, respectively for the heating will be forthcoming. There will obviously be a rise in prices, but what is provided by the energy support for the people who meet the criteria to be supported by the state for this heating season are somewhere around 345,000 people and families. The percentage with which these citizens are supported on a monthly basis has also risen. The payment of all the aid for the heating season has also started. All those who have been approved so far – over 200,000, regularly receive the money for energy support.”

According to him, everything that is happening in Europe and around the world will inevitably lead to pro-inflationary processes. He specified that until yesterday the price of electricity in our country was the second lowest in Europe after Poland. Donev noted that measures and actions are being taken against both businesses and consumers. According to him, all the measures taken by some countries in the European Union can happen in our country, as long as there is a functioning parliament that votes and adopts them. The Deputy Prime Minister clarified that for electricity it is necessary to propose the adoption of financial incentives to businesses to support the price of electricity and added:

“These BGN 50 per megawatt-hour must be voted by the National Assembly in order to be dressed in legal form and to be able to use the business. There are doubts and talks are being held in this direction to limit the speculation that some can afford. large electricity traders, so as to minimize these risks to the market and consumers.The electricity on the Bulgarian free market is that offered by Bulgarian production.It also guarantees domestic consumption, much goes to exports, which can not be „We will face sanctions if we restrict exports. But if business is supported, it will help reduce commodity prices.”

The Minister of Social Affairs is adamant that prices are rising every year. According to him, it is important to protect Bulgarian citizens and Bulgarian business so that they can bear these price levels of goods and services so that inflation can be controlled. Donev said:

“Currently, this inflation has been brought in from outside as well. Bulgaria is in an open economy and what happens abroad is transferred to the Bulgarian market. This cannot be controlled by one government.”

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