Minister Taneva: Grocery store chains to focus on Bulgarian products

Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, Desislava Taneva
Photo: MZH

Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, Desislava Taneva, asked major grocery store chains “to focus on Bulgarian products in order to support the local economy” during a meeting with supermarket chain representatives held on Thursday.

According to Minister Tanev this is the most direct way of helping local food producers who are currently struggling due to the closure of all farmers’ markets in the country.

It would also be beneficial for Bulgarian consumers who prefer local meat products. They can be delivered to their homes and the Ministry is planning to release a full list of food manufacturers offering such services.

The Ministry is also working towards employing more jobless people into agriculture. Minister Taneva commented that the production cycle should not be interrupted and appealed all farmers to comply with the measures for social distance and proper disinfection.

The 2020 governmental agricultural direct payment program is not going be extended as this could interrupt future due payments. Applications can be submitted online or at regional offices of the Ministry where precaution measures against the coronavirus pandemic are already taken.

Translation: Ivaylo Yotov

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