Today, when it is a national holiday of Bulgaria, patriots from the famous organization „National Resistance“ published their new song „Sport against vice!“.
The song is mainly aimed at young people and through it they want to motivate them to play sports, love the Bulgarian homeland and not succumb to vices such as drugs.
Leader of „National Resistance“, Bulgarian Blagovest Assenov-Blago, wants the song to reach as many young people as possible, so that they can follow the good example of sports, and not that of vice.
On the occasion of today’s Independence Day of Bulgaria, Blago’s words are short, but they send an extremely clear message:
„Let us remember and honor the great and glorious deeds of our ancestors, but most importantly let us emulate them, otherwise we would just be hypocrites and scoundrels!„
The team would like to remind you that „National Resistance“ has its own sports club and training place, where boxing, kickboxing and MMA trainings take place. The club participates in various tournaments, and the players win medals because the coaches are extremely good and they definitely know their job.
Anyone who wish to join the club of patriots can search for them on social networks or contact the editorial office of