PR expert: The government is killing the barely breathing trust between patients and medics

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Years ago, my friends, almost like a joke, told the story of a well-known pathologist. The man was a passionate fisherman and once told how he caught huge perch. „What was the bait?“ Friends asked. He said „Liver.“ „But what kind of liver?“ People continued to wonder. The pathologist-fisherman said, „Well, you know where I work.“

There was an awkward silence. Then someone was afraid to ask, „Okay, but where do you keep this liver?“ The doctor said simply, „Where else – in the fridge.“

Here the silence became even thicker. But still someone spat out the logical question „Okay, but if your wife… gets confused and takes to cook this liver…?“ The pathologist had an answer, of course: „Oh, it’s not scary, I write it down.“

I don’t know what the inscription was on those jars. I’m not even convinced that this story is completely true. But it is true that doctors not only develop a strange coolness to our organs, but also become vulgar to life in general. We say they have accustomed“. And there’s nothing immoral about that, it doesn’t make them bad people. This is a normal defensive reaction of their psyche. If you don’t believe me – go to a morgue for a while.

In recent weeks, we have witnessed horrific scenes in which people die on the doorstep of hospitals or in a desperate attempt to get there. Our anger, quite impulsively, is directed at those in white aprons. We easily, even if only mentally, accuse them of criminal inhumanity.

To help this demonization, the authorities point the finger at them, even pointing out the culprits and punishing them. And while he hypocritically continues to call them „heroes.“

The truth is that our medics are the scapegoats of the criminal carelessness and paradoxical incompetence of those in power. For years, these rulers have been swearing by their readiness to reform a ruined health system. They even put an accounting muppet named Ananiev in charge of her. Reform did not just not happen. On the contrary, the problems have deepened. What he could – was appropriated, what could not be appropriated – was left to collapse. Ananiev was returned to the Finance ministry because he was a money genius, imagine. And the health care system was left in the hands of another party nobleman – with Botox in his forehead and a stone in his chest. A new fake hero who today launched a plan to deal with a pandemic that began a year ago.

I can forgive Borisov and his court oligophrenics a lot. But it is unforgivable that they purposefully turn people against doctors to cover up their own guilt.

The government is killing the barely breathing trust between patients and medics. There is not a drop of mercy in this euthanasia. There is only a brutal, inhumane and criminal lack of responsibility.

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