Privatization revision begins – Kremikovtsi and Bobov Dol TTP come first

Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev
Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev , Archive

The privatization revision in Bulgaria begins and Kremikovtsi and Bobov Dol TTP are among the first 100 enterprises to be reviewed, announced Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev. He also added that all prosecutor inspections, as well as indictments and sentences related to the privatization will be reviewed in order to establish any potential violations made by the prosecution.

In addition, as of today, anti-drug dealing measures around school and kindergarten premises will take place by Geshev’s order as well. They will also cover nightclub areas, whereas the results will be periodically reported to the Supreme Cassation Prosecution.

As for domestic crime, Geshev was adamant that there are only small setbacks on the way to fully handling the situation – “All it takes is will and determination”, he added.

The Chief Prosecutor was also adamant that the so-called “Barcelona” money laundry investigation, which involves the name of Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, will be conducted with no regards to the person in question. He stressed that the prosecution does not make any difference between a regular citizen and a prime minister. He confirmed that key information related to the case has already been requested from the Spanish authorities.

Geshev admitted that according to the public opinion the law does not equally apply to everybody, believing that there is a reason for it. Therefore, in the case with the Prime Minister, all persons involved will be thoroughly interrogated – including Prime Minister Boyko Borisov himself.

“Given the media publicity, we will conduct a full and comprehensive investigation on the case. We cannot afford anything else”, commended Geshev.

He stressed that the true power of the Chief Prosecutor comes from his political neutrality and 7-year term. He also stated that he stands firmly behind everything he claimed and fought for during his 30-year career as a police officer, investigator and prosecutor.

Geshev also stressed that he has never been part of what is considered as the “social elite” and that he is a regular citizen, which may end up being a problem for some people.

The Chief Prosecutor admitted that there have been previous attempts to interfere with his work, but nobody is attempting such dire measures anymore. He used to receive text messages, but that has also ceased.

Translation: Ivaylo Yotov

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