Prof. Alexandrova to Influenza and respiratory viruses move at the same time, causing serious infections

Радостина Александрова
Радостина Александрова. Снимка: Радостина Александрова, Фейсбук

“Influenza viruses and respiratory syncytial virus travel at the same time. They are very serious pathogens for both children and the elderly. Influenza viruses circulate throughout the year, and there will always be some pathogen to cause some kind of infection.”

Prof. Radostina Alexandrova from the Institute of Experimental Morphology, Pathology and Anthropology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences /BAS/ commented this to According to her, respiratory syncytial virus can lead to serious problems, especially in younger children. The virologist said:

“Leads to lower respiratory tract infection, hospitalization. It takes the lives of a large number of children annually, especially in third countries.”

According to recent studies, one virus predates the other by several weeks.

Prof. Alexandrova has an explanation for why there has been a boom in chicken pox, scarlet fever, flu, and respiratory syncytial virus in recent months:

“These are all diseases that are spread by airborne droplets, as was the spread of COVID-19. When we were limiting contact with people, we were closed, schools were online, we used masks, we washed our hands, that’s how we protected ourselves. In winter, we are more vulnerable because of the dry air and closed spaces.”

“The measures that must be followed are hand hygiene, coughing, ventilation. When someone is unwell, it is good to stay at home or wear a mask to limit contagion. But it is not advisable to wear masks all the time. The trick with viruses is that you can drive without symptoms”, the virologist is emphatic. She emphasized:

“Our immune system needs continuous provocations from the surrounding world and from microorganisms in order to be in good shape. When she doesn’t have these normal regular provocations and suddenly goes back to normal life, she’s vulnerable.”

The expert explained that there are most epidemics in countries with a temperate climate. According to her, the year-round spread of influenza viruses is monitored in more than 100 countries. Not only in humans, but also in birds, pigs, which are the Group A viruses. She explained:

“Due to the fact, it is possible to predict which viruses will dominate the next epidemic. Twice a year, a committee of the World Health Organization (WHO) convenes, and there it is decided in the Southern and Northern Hemispheres which influenza strains should be included in the vaccine. Several viruses come from animal world to man every year, but we don’t even understand it because it is monitored by experts. Fortunately, these viruses do not spread between people, but sometimes with a new virus our immune system is not prepared. Then it spreads and can cause a serious disease that leads to a pandemic.”

“We need to know well this micro-world in which we exist, as we live together with microorganisms and viruses. We cannot do without each other, as scandalous as it sounds. We have a benefit and if they disappear, it will not affect us well, they are needed for the normal development of our immune system”, affirms Prof. Radostina Alexandrova.

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