Radev on the armoured vehicles plant in Burgas: Important event for our economy and national security

The Head of State congratulated the plant's management for its ambition to develop not only armoured vehicles but also what is currently required in these conflicts, namely unmanned and autonomous combat systems

Президентът разглежда завода
Президентът разглежда завода. Снимка: Искра.бг

“The opening of the newest International Armored Group plant here in Bulgaria. This event is of particular importance for the Bulgarian economy, for our national security, for the development of Burgas and the region. I would like to congratulate Mr. Stefov and his team for the decision to build a high-tech enterprise here in Bulgaria, and by a company with an impressive track record in the production of a wide range of armoured vehicles. A company that has earned international prestige and with already established plants in the USA, UAE, Turkey. But the important thing is that their production is of guaranteed quality, with coverage of the highest standards, including NATO standards. This is the key to the success of this new venture, but it is also a testament to the good and improving investment and economic climate in Bulgaria.”

With these words President Rumen Radev opened the new plant for armoured vehicles in Burgas.

“It is no coincidence that this plant is being built here in Burgas. This clearly shows the huge strategic potential of the city and the region, given the combination of the international airport, the port, the proximity of the Trakia highway, but most of all the potential of the people here, such as the quality and qualifications of the workforce, but also the ambition of the leadership of the city and the region to create education, to create high-tech industry. The potential really is huge.”

“By no coincidence, the opening of today’s plant demonstrates the great need for such national facilities in a deteriorating global security environment. Modern conflicts prove in a definite way the immense importance of having our own defence production facilities to ensure reliability in the process of their maintenance, assurance and constant adaptation to defence needs”, the President added.

The Head of State congratulated the plant’s management for its ambition to develop not only armoured vehicles but also what is currently required in these conflicts, namely unmanned and autonomous combat systems /drones/. He also appealed to the Ministry of Defence to pay more attention to the relationship and cooperation with the Bulgarian defence industry, which has thinned quite a lot in recent decades.

We would like to remind you that the first Bulgarian plant for armoured vehicles of the International Armored Group was officially opened today. It is located in the Industrial Zone of the city, within the Industrial and Logistic Park Burgas. Its manager and owner is the Canadian citizen of Bulgarian origin Anton Stefov.

The plant occupies an area of about 150,000 square meters and will start operations in October 2024. It produces various types of armoured vehicles and equipment to the highest NATO standards.

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