Relatives and friends of the brutally murdered Ivan Angelov in 2022 in Burgas gathered for a protest

Протест в Бургас в памет на Иван Ангелов
Протест в Бургас. Снимка: Искра.бг

Relatives and friends of the brutally murdered Ivan Angelov on November 27, 2022 in front of the New Post Office in Burgas gathered for a protest in front of the Court House in Burgas, where today is expected to be heard another hearing in his murder case. The accused is Plamen Rusev, who is currently under house arrest.

Nikola Angelov is the victim’s father. He told a journalist of that he organized the protest because he wants to give publicity to the case. For a year and a half I have been trying to give publicity. I’ve called all the media, everywhere they refuse me. When they hear what it’s about – they say, We’ll call you’, and that’s it.

According to him, all this happens because it’s paid. He adds:

We know in detail everything that has happened and this is an organised murder. We know the establishment where it was staged and how they were summoned to come, there were threats beforehand. They have hated my son for years and had threats for 2-3 years that they would kill him sooner or later. And the day of the actual stabbing with this huge baton, he was stabbed from the chest, through the lung, artery, diaphragm – all the way to his liver. With great fury he is stabbed by Plamen Rusev. Only he will never go it alone. He shouts from his „gang“ – I would call it, and he calls it „brigade“ because we know each other. And they’re organizing, stalking him in the next alley. My son called me and told me before this happened – he was supposed to come hunting with me, but my older son didn’t take him because they got away with something – and he said, „Daddy didn’t take me this morning, I’m going to go to Mom’s and we’ll hear from you tonight.“ Rusev literally told him, „I’m going to come stick a knife in your chest.“ He was on the phone, my son wanted to get along with them, but they didn’t want him, they hated him. And they threatened to kill him – that’s what my son told me. It was the day of the murder, 6:30 in the morning, he called me. /…/ 27 November. It happened at 11:30 in front of a lot of people, they didn’t plan in front of a lot of people to kill him.

The distressed parent claims to know all the details from his son, who was admitted to the intensive care unit of the University Hospital-Burgas before he breathed his last.

Other relatives of the victim also attended the protest. His cousin, who requested anonymity, said she believes the case is being neglected, squashed and constantly delayed:

I don’t think it’s right that whatever conflict two individuals have, that such an act should be committed. A young man of 32 years left, thoughtlessly. It is a cruel murder. He can’t be chased and stabbed with such a big sword/bayonet – I don’t know what to call it, and at the end the remand be „house arrest“. There has to be some justice. At the moment, there may be for some, with no one behind them, but for others, there isn’t.

She urged the magistrates to be objective and mete out the necessary punishment.

Plamen Rusev to the court in Burgas: „I’m sorry“. Ivan Angelov’s father: „Why did you kill him then?“

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