Report to Due to illegal parking, trees were destroyed in the capital’s „Musagenitsa“ district

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Асфалтирани дървета. Снимка: Стефка Димитрова

Sofia’s „Musagenitsa“ district woke up with asphalted trees. The crime took place on weekends in front of one of the grocery stores in the neighborhood.

The alert was submitted to the editorial mail of by concerned citizens who are puzzled how this was allowed. Photos were also sent showing that the fresh asphalt is tightly enveloping the tree trunks, which is detrimental to their lives.

Here is what the residents of the district, who have already filed a report to the municipal administration because the action was carried out without its knowledge, wrote:

„The place was a nice garden. Firstly, they sprinkled gravel, then they cut the bushes and 1-2 trees, and now they paved the rest. Five trees will be destroyed. No parking required there. This is a neighborhood store, only people from „Musagenitsa“ shop there, as well as patients of the nearby oncology hospital. There is no parking in front of any of our stores, even the big ones. Given that the asphalting took place on weekends, we assume that it was done without permission from the Мunicipality.“

The report also states that the mayor of „Studentski“ district, Petko Goranov, confirmed that the perpetrator’s actions were absolutely illegal. Here’s his reaction to the alert.

„Construction arbitrariness and unacceptable asphalt works have been carried out. The activities have not been coordinated with the district administration and have not been duly authorized by the team of „Studentski“ district. This is an arbitrary act, carried out deliberately and maliciously at weekends when control is low. Action is being taken to establish all the facts and circumstances to impose sanctions in accordance with the legislation. The full rigour of the law will be applied.“

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[…] Report to Due to illegal parking, trees were destroyed in the capital’s „Musag… […]