Starting this week: Teachers will test and evaluate students

Minister of Education and Science Krasimir Valchev
Photo: MON

Starting this week, teachers will be able to evaluate students’ work during their distance learning. This will be done on the proposal of the Minister of Education and Science Krasimir Valchev.

Distance learning started in Bulgaria on March 16 – only 3 days after the state of emergency in the country was declared. The Ministry of Education and Science advises school principals to apply a simplified electronical version of reporting teacher and staff employment in schools, and to record the lessons in the electronic journal.

All agreed salaries will be paid to pedagogical specialists for the period of distance learning, The National Council for Tripartite Cooperation governing the system of pre-school and school education decided.

Educators are required to have completed e-learning with a duration of 5 astronomical teaching hours, which also includes the preparation of lessons. This means at least 25 teaching hours in a 5-day working week. Teachers who work on a less-than-normal contract basis will also receive their remunarations.

Between April 13 and 16, a simplified, unloading, distance learning mode for children will be launched. According to the specifics of the educational institution between 2 and 4 hours may be provided for childerns’ personal interest activities –  physical activities, music and fine arts, discussions on the topics of class time, and activities conducted with pedagogical advisors.

Translation: Gloria Yordanova

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