The Debtor Union organizes protests in front of a number of institutions

Съдебна палата
Съдебна палата в София. Снимка: Архив

The newly formed union for protection of the victims of illegal actions of private bailiffs „The Debtor“ has started protests in front of a number of institutions in our country, announced its creator Ivaylo Iliev. The demonstrations will be around the clock and will be directed against the corrupt in the presidency, the Council of Ministers, the National Assembly and the justice system as a whole.

The protests will start at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow in front of the Sofia District Court, where Iliev says the largest number of corrupt magistrates and officials is. After that, at 12:00 there will be another dissatisfaction in front of the Judicial Chamber, and at 16:00 demonstrations will start in the triangle of power.

The founder of the „Debtor“ announced that the initial membership fee and the annual one are equal – BGN 150 each and for the money the organization will provide legal assistance to its members. The Union will also demand that the anti-epidemic measures be lifted before the Supreme Administrative Court.

The protesters aim to defend the rights of citizens who are in the position of debtors or have suffered from the actions of private bailiffs or other persons working in the justice system.

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