The Supreme Judicial Council postponed the hearing on the removal of Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev

Главен прокурор Иван Гешев отговаря на въпроси на журналисти
Главен прокурор Иван Гешев отговаря на въпроси на журналисти. Снимка: Скрийншот от видео на Прокуратурата

The plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council postponed the consideration of the merits of the proposal for removal of Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev, submitted last year by Yanaki Stoilov. And so prosecutor number one in our country remains in office until at least May 4.

We remind you that in July 2021 the then Minister of Justice Stoilov requested that the Prosecutor General be dismissed early. As a result, the Supreme Administrative Court ordered the staff to consider it.

In early March, the current line minister, Nadezhda Yordanova, made the same request. She now has 7 days to rectify her colleague’s omissions. They consist in the fact that his insistence does not set out the specific factual circumstances which are alleged to constitute the said violations and, accordingly, damage to the prestige of the judiciary.

„The desire and opinion of the Plenum of the Supreme Council of Debt, judging by the debate, although there is no such decision yet, is to combine the two proposals in common consideration“, said the Minister, adding that by the end of May be considered on the merits and possibly a decision to release Geshev early.

In case the omissions are not eliminated, Stoilov’s request will not be considered. Geshev’s release requires at least 17 votes in favor of the proposal. Today’s sitting ended without debate.

At the same time, a protest of the „Fighter“ association was held in front of the building of the Supreme Judicial Council against prosecutor number one in our country.

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