„Time of Parting“ for the Ministry of Interior: Police officers react sharply to DB’s proposals for the MIA

The proposals have sparked sharp reactions from police officers

Министерство на вътрешните работи
Министерство на вътрешните работи. Снимка: МВР

Surprisingly, last night, „Democratic Bulgaria“ (DB) announced that they had submitted important proposals for changes to the supplementary state budget act. They suggest an increase in salaries in the Ministry of Interior, but to be structured differently, namely by regions:

  1. „a) In para. 2, the words „is the average salary for the country“ are replaced with the words „is the average salary for the respective administrative region where the job is located, unless it is higher than the average salary for the country, in which case the average salary for the country shall apply.“
  2. b) Para. 6 is added: „(6) The base in paragraph 2 is reduced by the amount of mandatory pension and health insurance contributions under the Social Security Code and the Health Insurance Act, which would be due by an employee under an employment relationship.“
  3. In Article 180, para. 2, the words „is the average salary for the country“ are replaced with the words „is the average salary for the respective administrative region where the job is located, unless it is higher than the average salary for the country, in which case the average salary for the country shall apply.“

The proposals also cover the insurance contributions for police officers and the salaries received upon termination of employment for new employees.

The proposals immediately sparked sharp reactions from the officers. They commented on social media:

„Unions… don’t let it be too late! We’re fighting for one thing, but they’re tricking us into something else… isn’t it time to part ways?“

„Now is the time for all trade unions to unite, to show the ruling party that we don’t agree to participate in their circus!!! There’s no point in being divided, this is how we lose easily!“

„It is a legal absurdity for the state to pay different salaries for the same job! It will only create more work for the courts!“

„Is this really reasonable? A 100% difference. Enough, please… There is already a difference in salaries, and everyone knows what it is! I haven’t encountered a more meaningless and shocking reason for division and discussion in a while… Apparently, that’s the goal!“

„If this proposal passes, we might as well close the Ministry of Interior.“

„Clowns. I don’t think they expect such an absurdity to pass. They saw there will be a government even without them, and now they will pick on every bill introduced. Tomorrow, it won’t pass at all. If it does, we in small towns will even have to pay back, and the prices in the shops are the same as in Sofia, only our water bills and taxes are double.“

There are also law enforcement officials who find logic in the proposals: „I wrote a comment that there is logic in DB’s proposal, and that’s how it is. Here is the logic. We are part of society. I live in a region where salaries are, on average, this much. I sit with relatives and friends, one earns a little more, another a little less, I’m in the middle. This is the logic. Now, somewhere, they will earn more than almost everyone, and in other places, the least of all…

However, I didn’t write that I support one or the other option!!!

There is logic. But there are also other peculiarities. The big differences will cause other phenomena. For example, the Sofia Directorate of Internal Affairs (SDIA) will burst at the seams, and every free space will be occupied, at the expense of the regional police directorates in Pernik, Kyustendil, Blagoevgrad, Pazardzhik, and Sofia Region.“

So far, the largest police union – TUFEMI has not commented on the proposals. Before they were announced, it became clear that the regular meeting of the Executive Board of TUFEMI would take place on January 16 and 17 in Plovdiv, with the following proposed agenda: Organizational and Miscellaneous. Now, most likely, DB’s proposal will also become part of the discussion.

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