„Unity“ party : Against gambling advertising in our country!

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„Unity“ (Edinenie) political party is against gambling advertising, which is still allowed in Bulgaria. This was announced to Iskra.bg in a special interview by leader of the political force Ivan Hristanov.

„Gambling addiction is becoming an epidemic in Bulgaria!“

Ivan Hristanov is adamant about this. He cited data from 2023 of the Ministry of Finance, according to which 10% of Bulgarians over 18 years of age have indications of severe gambling addiction.

„These people are so indebted that because of wage garnishments, they cannot even work in the legal economy. They are in the underground economy,“, he stressed.

Hristanov cited other data based on international statistics, which show that for every gambling addict there are between 7 and 15 people who suffer from gambling addiction problems on an equal footing with them – relatives, friends. He compared the problem to passive smoking.

„Their lives are changing for the worse. Imagine a wife who comes home and is forced to hide her money because she is afraid her gambling husband will take it and spend it, and they are left with their children penniless for the month. This is direct damage,“, the leader of „Unity“ explained.

Ivan Hristanov emphasized that there are organizations that have long been fighting gambling addiction. But:

„The efforts of these organizations are failing because of a MP between the first and second reading, as he decides to change the legislative initiatives in such a way that instead of the public being protected, it is hit even worse!“

He also gave an example of the increase in tax revenues from betting and gambling in 2022 compared to 2021, more than double. In 2023 compared to 2022, the increase is over 50%. This is another proof of the epidemic among the Bulgarian society.

The leader of „Unity“ announced that their specific proposals are currently being drafted in legislative texts, which will be formed into a petition. According to him, there is a huge enthusiasm in the political force to go to the squares and educate the Bulgarian citizens, as well as to collect signatures in support of this petition.

One demand is a complete ban on advertising, as well as the introduction of a minimum betting age of 25.

„The goal is for 7 years to pass, during which the fragile youth psyche will strengthen and become more invulnerable,“, he explained.

Another proposal is to impose a restriction on where physical gaming, betting and gambling facilities can be built. This should not be possible to happen next to public buildings, schools and kindergartens.

The fourth demand is that operators collecting bets from citizens on the territory of Bulgaria should have Bulgarian registrations and Bulgarian bank accounts.

Their last request is a state demand and it is for the state to realize that it plays an important role in the fight against all kinds of addictions – gambling, drugs, etc.

Hristanov also stressed that they support specific Facebook initiatives such as the group „Against Gambling Advertising“ because they believe that these efforts should be given publicity:

„At a time when a huge part of the media receives colossal advertising revenues from gambling, it is obvious that social media and media like you, like Iskra media, are among the few who are ready to listen to the demands of the Bulgarian people!“

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