Vladislav Panev: It is said that the Wolf is close to Dogan!

Vladislav Panev revealed that huge damages have been caused to the state by just one deal

Владислав Панев
Владислав Панев. Снимка: Facebook

Vladislav Panev revealed that huge damages have been caused to the state by just one deal. He gave more details about the case on Facebook. Here they are:

“The minimum price for the Kardzhali company, which Vulka sold to a mailbox, fell to 3.6 million leva. By comparison, the state development bank under Stoyan Mavrodiev valued it and paid 150 million for it. You can calculate the damage to the state from this deal alone.

The money was then received from Bio Mining, and with part of it the illegal building on the Iskar dam, on the territory of the state hunting farm, was built. The one that the municipality is now pushing.

These schemes ruin statehood and make some earlier than others. Now it is said that Vulka is close to Dogan. Deto, according to some, is the good guy in the conflict with Peevski over the Movement for Rights and Freedoms legacy.”

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