Wave of support to a Burgas police officer who shared about disturbing practices in the Burgas Police Department

A wave of support on social networks for senior police officer Dimitar Nikolov from the Specialized Police Forces Sector (SPS) of the Security Police Department at the Burgas Regional Police Directorate

Старши полицай Димитър Николов
Старши полицай Димитър Николов. Снимка: Кадър от видео на БОЕЦ

A wave of support on social networks for senior police officer Dimitar Nikolov from the Specialized Police Forces Sector (SPS) of the Security Police Department at the Burgas Regional Police Directorate, who yesterday stood in front of the cameras of the civic association BOETC and journalists, telling how his superiors had ordered him to arrest a specific person in whose car they had to „find“ illegal weapons and drugs, as well as to lie in his report on the case by entering false information. He also mentioned his suspicions about the links between the director of the Regional Directorate, Senior Commissioner Vladimir Marinov, appointed on 5 September 2024, and Nikolai Filipov, viz:

“These things have led me to believe that the things that are being said are true and that the Burgas Regional Police Department is not run by Senior Commissioner Vladimir Marinov, but namely it is run by Nikolay Filipov Filipov – a businessman with a rather dubious reputation and a partner of the late Martin Bojanov – Notary. As everybody knows about the close contacts of Nikolay Filipov Filipov with the director of the Regional Police Department of Burgas, the deputy director of the Regional Police Department of Burgas, the head of the „Criminal Police“, the head of the „Security Police“, the head of the BOP-Burgas, the head of the Second Regional Police Department.

Recall that BOETC has repeatedly claimed that Nikolay Filipov is a vote dealer for Delyan Peevski and a partner of Martin Bojanov – Notary.

The Interior Ministry official also recalled:

“In May 2024, colleagues from the „Criminal Police“ who uncovered the smuggling of fuel at Port Europe Burgas – what happened to them after the appointment of Senior Commissioner Vladimir Marinov. All of them, who had done their job with dignity and honesty, were demoted and transferred to the district administrations. That is why I would like to express to you my great disappointment with the system of the Ministry of Interior and especially with the Regional Police Department Burgas. The last 6 months, since these people have been in charge, there is no analogue in Bulgaria in such matters. Today I will enter the directorate and I will submit my application to leave the system of the Ministry of Interior. I ask through you for a meeting with the Minister of the Interior. I will lodge a report with Internal Security about the incident in question.

In less than 24 hours after the video was posted, it was shared by dozens, with some users commenting:

“I know Dimitri personally and I feel sorry that such good guys, who love their country and are ready to serve it, fall into the trap of selling out the country!

“It takes extreme courage to be an honest and honorable police officer dedicated to duty and service!

This young officer is to be admired and I hope he does not get sucked into the centrifuge of intrigue and ‘ordering around’ as happens all the time with citizens! Personally, I have several cases filed in the City for improper inspections and subsequent extremely brazen illegal actions! Unfortunately the Ministry of Interior has been turned into a classic „owl“ and personal orders are being carried out all the time! I know a number of decent police officers in Sofia and know how difficult it is for them to work in such an environment of constant suspicion! 

It is filled with young third shift illiterates with polished fingernails and caring mostly about „tiles“ and Taliban beards! But professionalism is gradually evaporating from the MHA and the people will get fed up very soon! 

For me, it is imperative to regulate precisely and clearly the conditions and procedures for conducting so-called „inspections“, because they are an extremely convenient and constantly applied model for undue influence on citizens, when to implement the „plan“ of the day, when for more serious speculation!

“What is it like to be an employee of the Ministry of Interior? To follow orders from superiors who make you lie, plant evidence, ruin people’s lives?

Well, Dimitar Nikolov refused. At the cost of everything. Such a confession requires courage.

If all police officers were so brave and conscientious, the Interior Ministry would probably be an institution serving the people, not the mafia.” 

“It takes a lot of confessions… an admitted sin is half a sin. A lot of sin and a lot of destinies are being destroyed at the behest of Interior Ministry chiefs…..

Drugged policemen even kill…… police officers do the bidding of the prosecution. And the prosecutor oversees the execution… when there is no state , partisan sons and metresses are prosecutors and derelicts….

State of the Deribe! A presidency of the Deribeans! The MS of the derebees! The National Assembly of the Deribeans! Prosecutor’s Office of the Derebees! The Krumovgrad Deribeyei like Boyadzhiev, Chotrova, Delcheva can take the head of any Prosecutor General. The village Deribey is bigger than the Prosecutor General of Bulgaria – undeniable fact! Border prosecutors have a lot of power from the border scam or what????

The case of police officer Dimitar Nikolov reveals disturbing practices in the Burgas Police Department and calls into question the integrity of the leadership. Nikolov’s courage to expose alleged abuses highlights the need for transparency and reform in the Interior Ministry system. The public support expressed on social networks shows that citizens expect responsibility and integrity from the institutions called to protect them. This case is a clear signal of the need for a thorough investigation and measures to restore trust in law enforcement.

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