Municipal councilors from the „We Continue the Change – Democratic Bulgaria“ (WCC-DB) group in Plovdiv raised an official query to the city’s mayor, expressing serious concerns about the implementation of the modernization project for „Peyo Kracholov Yavorov“ Secondary School. The query emphasizes the need for greater transparency and financial accountability related to the renovation activities at the school.
Firstly, the group requested information on whether an annex has been signed to the public procurement contract, and if so, what conditions are included in it. This question is of key importance, as at the end of 2024, additional funding of BGN 324,960 was approved, raising serious questions about the management of public funds, according to Vladimir Slavenski, Veselina Alexandrova, Borislav Mateev, and Aleksandar Rakshev.
The councilors also demanded clarity on whether these additional funds have already been spent, on what grounds they have been allocated and to whom the payments have been directed.
They also sought answers about the ongoing construction and installation works: what activities are currently being carried out, who is carrying them out and how they are being monitored.
The issue is particularly important given the contractor’s reports of problems with the building’s electrical wiring that occurred during the renovation and for which the additional funding was granted. The councilors requested information on the measures the municipality had taken to protect its interests in relation to the case and asked whether the contractor had been held liable and whether it had been required to repair the damage at its own expense.
Another important issue raised by WCC-DB is the extension of the deadline for completing the renovation. The group asked whether the deadline has officially been changed, with what document the extension was formalized, and when the school is expected to be fully ready for use by the students.
The mayor of Plovdiv is expected to respond within the legally established timeframe.