Wearing masks will last for a long time

Photo: Pixabay

Mandatory wearing of masks will remain a long-term measure. This was stated by the Chief State Health Inspector Assoc. Prof. Dr. Angel Kunchev at the morning briefing of the National Operational Headquarters.

Attention will also be paid to frequent disinfection, especially when it comes to indoor visits. The issue of opening private training centers is also being discussed. They are likely to open from the beginning of next month.

There are also discussions on the issue concerning the work of the Headquarters and the way in which the information about the situation in the country will be presented. The reason is the positive trend in reducing the cases of coronavirus infections.

According to Assoc. Prof. Kunchev, the removal of the 14-day quarantine concerning foreign citizens entering the territory of the country will most likely be proposed. In this way, the regional health inspectorates (RHIs) will monitor for outbreaks and will not be at the borders.

Regarding the visits to the sea resorts and the bathing in the sea, Assoc. Prof. Kunchev explained that the virus cannot be transmitted through the sea water.

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