Will corruption be eradicated in the Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company (BPI Co.)?

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The Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company (BPI Co.) will fight corruption in this institution head-on. Sources told Iskra.bg that the new management would not allow a few private individuals to run the agency to the detriment of the public.

We remind you that long-time Director of the company Angel Zaburtov was replaced by Anna Natova. She was succeeded by Capt. Georgi Sabev, and currently it is Peter Seferov.

According to Iskra.bg‘s sources, the main goal of the new management, ever since Georgi Sabev took office, has been to fight corruption. According to them, during the management of Sabev, he has proven himself and has done his job extremely well, i.e. he has protected the interests of the Bulgarian state. However, this did not please certain people who wanted him not to be at the head of the enterprise. This necessitated his replacement by Petar Seferov, with Sabev remaining on the board of the BPI Co.

It is assumed that in this way the fight against corruption will not be interrupted, but it will continue. Iskra.bg believes that Petar Seferov will finish what Georgi Sabev has started and will bring it to a successful end.

Those close to the media said that changes are coming in the enterprise for the benefit of the people of Burgas and society, not for a few individuals. So far for years everything has been dictated by 2-3 people on the phone, but this will change. Society and business will understand what quality change and a level playing field means, not favouring a handful of people. For these reasons, Georgi Sabev has been presented to the public in a negative light. This is also expected to happen against Peter Seferov and there will be attacks against him when a job is well done.

The management of the BPI Co. has taken up the difficult task of eradicating the corruption that has for many years lorded over this institution. The structure has now started to work properly, not as it did under previous administrations as a one-man company. These changes will not be favourable to the people who have been running the department behind the scenes over the past years.

Many people believe that the new management, starting with Georgi Sabev and now with Peter Seferov, will bring the positive change that not only this institution, but many others need. The Iskra.bg team believes that this can be the best example and show how to run a state-owned enterprise, working legally and for the benefit of the state, society and business, rather than being a plaything in a few partisan hands tainted with corruption.

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